A Poem about a Poem

A cosmic memorandum in the form of a poem to explain the magical origins to the children’s poem Night Songs of the Wild Girls.

by D A Chitty 30.12.2020

All wild girls are free and perfect

Beautiful in grace and form

Wild girls stay away from humans

Those who are of karma born

In a meat cage ruled by karma

Endless births and deaths the norm

Short lives always full of drama

Stress and strife and raging storms

Swirling in a dense samsara

Ego hooks them on as form

All those mass-conditioned beings

Stumble on to death forlorn

The true self's nature of true being

That which goes beyond our seeing

That which humans all are ruled by

Endless forms in space that try

To engage the mind in glamour

A woman's beauty, poise and manner

Her scent, her touch, her smile, her face

Dazzles our mind to erase

That perfect unity already extant

Seen only when we're least expectant

The light within that has no face

Yet which is light's perfection

The source of all pure consciousness

Nothing ever can erase

That which in mortals, through the eyes

Streams out from the human face

In rays of living cosmic prana

Which allow the human race

To make contact in the cosmos

Through what they call mind's interface

From one being to another

Through the medium of words that cover

Like a dark cloud from another

Lost dimension, far in space

As those that live beyond all karma

Don't get lost in words or dramas

Or engage in worldly trauma

Looking for a real samsara

And not a palace made of dreams

As wild girls in their night songs sing

To bring to humans cosmic grace

The gateway to beyond all space

Out with time and place and form

Pure consciousness, eternal dawn

So when your mind is pure and empty

Listen and you'll hear their song.

Image credit Kehn Hermano courtesy of Pexels