Teen Tycoon

A feature film by D. A. Chitty and David Callignan

Silver prize winner of The Times’ first ever screenwriting competition.

The Creator, a tiny, sinister gnome-like being from another dimension arrives on Earth and builds the most addictive video game ever which steals the souls of children and transports them to his own universe, Zoytheria, in a modern day retelling of The Pied Piper of Hamlyn.

The film begins in Atlantis where a tall, beautiful youth sees that Atlantis is becoming corrupt and is set for self-destruction. He goes alone to the great crystal computer/dream machine and leaves Earth behind forever. The universe he creates needs the soul energies of children to sustain, so he travels to earth to build his ultimate weapon.

As his physical appearance changes and deforms, he realises that something is wrong with his world in that love is missing. It takes Lara, an agent provocateur for Creator, and human boy Zac to fall in love and unite to rescue the stolen souls of the children of Earth and return themselves to live happily ever after.

Gloucestershire Echo, Aug 12th 1995

The Citizen, Aug 12th 1995