Notes on the Origins of Animoids by Co-Writer D. A. Chitty

Animoids came about by reading of some anthropological and genetic USA based professor, who from a baby had brought up an orangutan as “one of the family”, and that it had literally become one as such being, apart from the language problem, a fully integrated member of the family.

My writing partner at the time, David Callignan and I had a great time and lots of fun writing it. Originally we were going to call it Ronnie The Missing Link (the name Ronnie was a tongue-in-cheek reference to Ronald Reagan), but chose Animoids because of the then current big issues around genetic cloning (think Dolly the Sheep), but more importantly the many countries suspected of conducting secret clandestine experiments with sometimes horrific intent and effect, such as the pig body with the human head as featured in Malcolm McDowell's Oh Lucky Man.

Director Jonathan Prince was going to make this movie as his next project after producing La Peste (1992, starring William Hurt and Robert Duvall, based on the Albert Camus novel) but that bombed at Cannes, taking us with it.