Letter From Robert Watts

Robert Watts is one of the world’s most successful film producers, having worked on 7 of the top 100 highest grossing movies of all time. His credits include the original Star Wars trilogy (episodes IV, V and VI), the first Indiana Jones film Raiders of The Lost Ark, 2001:A Space Odyssey, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Thunderball and Papillon.

Having read the script of Taxi Driver and the Star Caged Venus, Watts described it as, “The film I've been waiting for all my life”, and immediately took on the project as executive producer. Over the next two years he visited scriptwriter D A Chitty and director Arun Kumar several times with a view to getting the film made. Sadly the project stalled with financial problems then health issues intervened, forcing Watts to retire from the industry before the project could come to fruition.

His letter to the filmmakers is reproduced below.