Notes on the Origins of Tasan by author D. A. Chitty

Tasan originated from studies on both chaos theory and the perpetuity of world conflict. I had learned about the fields of slaughter left by the battle of Borodino between Russian and French troops in the Napoleonic Wars, which left 68,000 casualties. It was said that the ground was soaked in blood up to 3 feet deep and that at night the ghosts of the slaughtered could be seen swirling and rising up with the death cries of the bodies.

The film revolves around a desperate group of highly different individuals who all come to the House of the Fallen Angels, a home in downtown LA for drug addicts and prostitutes run by an ex-de-frocked priest named Stuggard Steinmetz. One night Atlanta is thrown out onto the steps of the retreat by Bobby Bolero, a local drugs runner and hood, just as Tasan is reforming for the final time and as the count down ensues, the Earth begins to fall apart.

It is revealed in a dream sequence that the creature Tasan itself was originated in one of the occult black lodge temples of Atlantis. Therefore the twist is that the true enemy is, as always, closer to home.

Tasan poses such questions as...

  1. What is the real message of the levitating nun?

  2. Will the church confess its sins to the whole world?

  3. What are the pyramids really there for?

  4. What really happened to Atlantis?

  5. Will the group with Atlanta manage to save the world?

  6. What are the golden imploding grasshoppers of Ipsilon?

  7. What are the final mysteries of existence that lie beyond the Ecstasies of Time?

See the film and experience ultimate cosmic revelation.