Introduction to Taxi Driver and the Star Caged Venus by Co-Writer and Director Arun Kumar (SOMA Films)

As we are all aware from the art world, the rarity, uniqueness and pure magicality of a painting determines its value.

In film, up until now we have not had this rather unique formula as applied to art, even though a film may be watched hundreds of times, minutely de-constructed and discussed. The film itself ‘as an object ‘ does not have the same value ownership as a painting. Even though its income occasionally tops a billion dollars.

Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus is a magical undertaking. It has been created in order that some may even obtain ‘Buddha-hood’ when viewing it.

Its very uniqueness will assure its financial success through:-

1) The intensity of its images.

2) The intrinsic depth of its spiritual and mystical perceptions.

3) Its pure magicality.

4) The power of its associated music.

5) Its absolute uniqueness (thereby assuring a global market no matter what the culture).

6) The fur coat envisaged for ‘Areleana’ will be an object of magical and mystical desire.

7) A whole range of clothing/accessories are envisaged. All relate to the film and include: watches / finger-nails / music / models / books / graphic novels / perfume / make-up and clothing. All are to be copyrighted under the name of “Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus”. The associated ‘wolf-headress’ will incorporate a number of facilities such as night-vision, built-in speakers etc.

Why Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus will be artistically successful.

The associated material provides all the intrinsic information necessary to explain its ‘artistic’ values.
Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus is a film that does not waste any time on unnecessary images. All the sequences are made up of intense visuals that you can’t take your eyes off, let alone get bored with.

The film has been specifically designed and created to present the viewer with a continuous flow of wonderfully surreal and magical images without the “obvious” necessity of a boring plot - the theme of the underlying unity of the one true reality of consciousness being its only plot

Just like the critic Manny Farber, Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus cherishes not only, “momentary visceral faculties” but also pure magicality of transcendental imagery, plus the impact of “negative positivity” created through an understanding of how all things come to be as they are.

Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus is pure esotericism, fully exposed and comprehended. It is pure magic on film and as such will change forever all those who view it.

Why Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus is particularly relevant now:

Film desperately needs a new image - a new face - a new depth of understanding as to whom and what we really are, and may become.

Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus shows that within each and every one of us, there resides full, true “Buddha-hood”.

That all of us reap what we sow.

That “other” forces that we are not fully aware off exist both outside our own planetary system as well as on our planet.

That magical precepts are available to all , once one has disciplined the mind to control the body in order to be finally free of its terminal meat cage bondage.

“Consciousness” itself is infinite. Consciousness is what you alone are, therefore you yourself are infinite, but you have overshadowed this pure state with your individualised ego false self.

Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus helps you strip away these false assumptions so that in a blinding instant you may realise the infinity of your own light consciousness.

Taxi Driver & the Star Caged Venus as a title refers to:

For a limited time in space/time we inhabit a ‘body’ (meat-cage) which may either be:

A prison of unbearable pains and hell.

A pleasure machine.

A rebirth or death vehicle.

A visionary creator of a multiplicity of art forms.

‘Or’ A Star-Caged Venus!

‘Love’ at present bounded but not confined. A love that radiates light unto all others - as seen through the love of the Holy Whore. She who is rejected and abandoned by all hypocrites and liars for they cannot see her truth - they only see things in their own image!

“The Star Caged Venus” is also the magical child of the very heart of the universe itself. Forever pure, empty, virgin, holy, untouched by its very own multiplicity.

This is a great mystery, the greatest of all. He who comprehends it in his/her purest innocence becomes a shining light to all. As he/she is that very consciousness itself - self-realised.

We all (those engaged currently on the making of this film) realise that this is a very difficult thing to achieve. But it can and will be done.